75Th Chin National Day was held in Vancouver, British Columbia on February 20, 2023.

Vancouver, a city in British Columbia province is one of the most beautiful city in the world where things are not cheap to live. There are not many Chin people in Canada but the most Chin people live in Vancouver. They have a church name Vancouver Chin Baptist Church (VCBC) where they all congregate every Sunday. While most of Christian service is led by church ministers and deacons, community activities such as holding cultural events, Chin national day celebrations and such picnic are led by Vancouver Chin Society.

A Chin young boy at Chin National day held in Calgary, Alberta province.

Calgary is the largest city in Alberta province of Canada where approximately between 150-180 Chin people are living. Although there are three Chin different churches in Calgary, all of them are together in one community and usually hold Chin cultural event every year together.

Chin Community of Edmonton at 75th Chin National day (Feb 20, 2023).
Chin youth group at Edmonton actively participates at famous Bamboo dance which the Chin mostly included every where whenever they have national day or cultural event.

Edmonton is the capital city of Alberta province where slight over one hundred Chin people are living. Most of them are working at Fort McMurray and surrounding areas but all have their houses inside Edmonton and Leduc.

There are not many Chin people in Saskatchewan province but most of 60+ Chin people living are in Regina city and very tightly knitted together. They have a christian fellowship called Chin Christian Fellowship of Saskatchewan (CCFS) in which they all congregates every Sunday and do Christianity service together all the time. Former Canadian federal Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer and his family who are from Regina also know the Chin community here very well and support them.

Winnipeg is the capital city of Manitoba province where slightly over one hundred Chin people are living. They have a church called Manitoba chin Christian Church (MCCC) where they all congregate together every Sunday and also have Winnipeg Chin Community who leads them actively whenever they have national day celebration or any Chin cultural event.

Chin community of Ottawa led protest against Myanmar military coup in February 2021 at parliament hill in Ottawa.

Since Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, Chin community of Ottawa are the first Chin group visually show up at federal parliament hill or Myanmar embassy whenever there is unlawful activities done by military regime against civilians in Myanmar.There are approximately between 250-300 Chin people in Ottawa where they have couple of Chin churches but only one Chin community in which they all join together whoever they have Chin cultural events, sport activities etc.

Kitchener of Waterloo region in Province is a place where the most Chin people are living in a single city within Canada. There are over five hundred Chin people in Kitchener, ON by 2023. The city have two Chin churches but only one community called KW Chin Community which is legally registered under Canada law. The community successfully set up legal Chin part time literature school at St. Louise Adult Learning High School where between 20-30 Chin children are learning Chin literature every year since 2019.