Myanmar military deliberately attacked a Chin church located at Kanan block, Khampat in Sagaing division on January 07, 2024 (Sunday) while many people were having worship  service, using military jet bombers which killed at least 15 innocent civilians including children and injuring dozens more other. Khampat is located near Indian border where mostly Chin people are living. Recently the combined people defence forces seized military camp based at Khampat.

Residents who witnessed the jet bombing said the military jet dropped bombs at least 10 times which razed the church to ground and feared that more bodies may be buries inside the debris after 15 bodies were recovered. The horrifying situation in Kanan church bombing show the Myanmar military regime is inarguably committing war crime against it own innocent people just to hang on to power they illegally seized on February 02, 2021.

Since October last year, after the famous 1027 operation against Myanmar military regime, the junta has been losing more than 400 military bases and outposts. Many junta soldiers capitulated to the people defence forces and it ground troops are depleting every day which left the junta resort only to use jet bombers everywhere against the people.

Kanan church bombing is no other than genocidal intent by Myanmar military regime against the people since the regime commander himself said that this is clearance operation against the people defence forces in Myanmar. Since seizing power on February 02, 2021, the junta could not run the country daily administration as most of the government employees left their jobs in protest to the coup. Chin state is now the red zone where martial laws is ordered by the junta. Due to the military regime continuous bombings in several places inside Chin state, thousands are now internally displaced plus over fifty thousands more fled to Indian border.


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